Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Interview Result

hi kawan2, banyak hari dah x update blog kan? ari tu sa ada gtau pasal interview, tp lupa plak mo bgtau result dia. herm... aku dah agak dah ini la kptsnnya... aku x hampa pun... ye la, jwb pun tergagap2. kena nyanyi lagu gagap stacy kali lain kali kan? haha

sbnrnya aku berjaya... nnti praktikal 1 jun, aku akn berada d RENAISSANCE HOTEL KB. d PR department. harap2 nnti aku dpt buat yg terbaik. n kalo ada rezeki aku, dpt keje sana trus..

alamak, hujan n petir ni. mo chow dulu. kalo x, rusak laptop c putet ni nnti. daaaa

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


hallo kawan2... sihat ka kamu smua? hari ni aku p interview kat Renaissance Hotel. bukan mo kerja da... untuk praktikum tahun depan. aku pun tia tahu la berjaya ka tak ka. harap2 dapatla...

aku ni bukan org yang biasa mekap2 n pakai mcm ladies2 ni. tapi gara2 mo interview, aku pakai ala2 pmpuan ckit, pakai heel n mekap! haha. debar gila siot. macam2 puan tu tanya aku pasal PR. mo jawab pun aku tergagap2. huh! apa2 pun, harap2 diaorg trima aku la.

k la guys, ada org mo guna pc lak ni. sambung lain kali ya. daaaaa

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm Home

yuhu... i'm back to Kelantan. driving straight away from UUM. so tiring! 6 hours! penat siot. tadi aku ngantuk gila. tapi aku gagahkan jua sebab nak cepat smpai. bukan excited. tapi aku x nak drive lama2. habis sakit belakang. skrg ni aku kat umah kakak aku. lepak cni jap. petang nanti baru balik umah. ala, balik umah pun bukan ada org pun. hmm...
k lah, aku ada hal nak buat lak. nnti lain kali baru smbung k. daaaaa

wHo am I?

arini... aku teda mood mo citer apa2. mula2 aku ok jer. tp suddenly, mood aku bercelaru. hmm... punca dia, biar aku sorang ja yang simpan. aku kdg2 dah fed up dgn manusia. sometimes i wanna mix around, sometimes i wanna live in my own world. just me myself in my world. ops, sebenarnya bukan salah manusia di sekeliling aku pun. its my problem. kan?

me too, don't really understand myself. its too complicated to understand me. i will try to find the real me... and only those people really know me will know who am i actually. so, for those who don't know me, don't pretend that you understand me enough. i hate that.

"I am not what I think I am,
I am not what u think I am,
I am what I think u think I am."

Friday, November 21, 2008


Haliu smua... lama dah aku x update apa2 kat cni. bukan teda crita, tapi masalahnya broadband aku ada masalah. skg ni dalam proses claim warranty lagi.. seksanya hidup tanpa broadband...

hmm, dua tiga ari lepas, teda apa pun yg menarik. just bz dgn exam. then bz mngemas barang2 aku utk disimpan dalam pantry. mo cuti sudah kan ni... kena la simpan barang. kadang2 aku pun pelik la dgn UUM ni. knp x bg kami biar je barang kat bilik? cuti 4 mggu ja. tapi bilik smua clear. korang bayangkan, tiap kali mula sem baru, kena setup smula bilik tuh. penat wooo.... naseb baik tggal 1 sem je lagi. kalo x, kurus aku gara2 kemas bilik. haha

Hari ni, aku kuar dgn Miss Syarizan. lecturer mudaku. kami g makan steamboot kat old country. pada perancangannya, kami nk p 4 org, tapi fini exam, so, tggl 3 org. tapi last minit plak, najib sakit kpala n x jadi ikut. jadi... tggal la aku n mis sya. korang bayangkan, kami 2 org je, ngadap smua mknan tuh. nk pingsan aku! tp beeesssst! aku lupa lak nk bawa card reader ni. kalo x, bleh aku sertakan gmbarnya. haha. lain kali la.

esok pagi, aku ada exam. last paper ni. managerial communication skill. aku nk buat cepat2, then kuar awal. sbb aku nk g setelkan kreta aku. lusa mo balik sudah... huhu. drive sndiri dari UUM - klntn. penat siot... doakan aku slmt smpai k...
hmm... dah balik nnti, aku ada interview kat Renassance Hotel. utk pengambilan utk praktikum. agak takut jgak nk g interview ni. aku akn buat yg terbaik kerana aku suuuuka bidang perhotelan. wish me luck k.

okla, aku kna smbung study dah.. kalo x. alamatnya menggoreng la aku esok...
c u later... daaaa

Saturday, November 15, 2008

사랑아 내게 오기만해

파란 하늘이 눈부셔
왠지 가슴이 아파와
나도 몰래 눈가에 이슬 맺히면
상상속에서 나에게
다가올것만 같은 그대를
언제부턴가 기다렸었죠
아직 사랑을 몰라서
그댈 몰라서
언제 사랑이 올까
waiting for U love
그대 조금만 더 가까이
올 순 없나요
내 사랑아 baby my sweet heart
너무나 많은 사람들
어떻게 사랑하는지
나만 잘 모르고 살았나봐요
아주 따뜻한 포근한
때론 달콤한 사랑으로
항상 진하게 내게 있던 그대

아직 사랑을 몰라서
그댈 몰라서
언제 사랑이 올까
waiting for U love
그대 조금만 더 가까이
올 순 없나요
내 사랑아 baby my sweet heart
생각만 해도 너무나
행복한 너를 볼때면
하루에도 수천번 사랑한단 말
언제 어떻게 사랑이
내게 오려나 기다렸는데
이미 온걸요 그대 알고부터
아직 사랑을 몰라서
그댈 몰라서
언제 사랑이 올까
waiting for U love
그대 조금만 더 가까이
올 순 없나요
내 사랑아 baby my sweet heart
그대를 위한 자리가
내 가슴속에 있어요
나는 그댈 위해서 태어난 사람
그대 내게로 온다면
함께한 시간 이 순간 부터
꿈처럼 멋진 나의 사랑아
오 나에 사랑아 내게 오기만해

Thursday, November 13, 2008


It has been so many days since the last time I updated my blog. My dearly notebook was sent to the ICU coz it was attacked by viruses. Hehe. And my broadband has problem too… Haiya! Seksa sangat bila tak dapat online tiap hari. Coz I used to it. Mood aku pun tak menentu. Kalo dapat online, aku boleh luahkan smuanya bila aku chat atau just post it in my blog. Ini tak… dah dua hari aku nangis sebab geram. Hmm… I will tell you why…

Semalam aku pergi ke fakulti. Nak jumpa lecturer aku sebab ada tajuk yang aku tak faham. Ye la, dah nak exam lusa kan… kalo tak faham, mcmne nk jawabkan? Aku pun bukan main lagi bangun awal. P la kat bilik dia. Masa tu ada student lain kat bilik dia. So, macam biasa, kna la tggu giliran. Aku pun bdiri la kat luar opis dia tu… dekat stgh jam jgak. Pastu, bila student tu kuar, dia kuar jgak n dia kata mo naik atas kejap. (naik atas tu maknanya jmpa kwn la tu. Ada hal) aku pun angguk je la. Aku pun g la tggu kat ujung kaki lima. Aku tggu dari jam 11.30 d ctu. Ramai lecturer dah lalu lalang kat ctu. Banyak kali plak tu. Sampai ada lecturer yang heran, apa budak ni buat kat cni berjam2. Masa tu aku dah geram dah. Korang bayangkan la… tggu dari jam 11.30pg, jam 2.30ptg x muncul2 lagi sedangkan dia tau aku tgh tggu dia. Tapi aku tahan je sbb aku nak ilmu dari dia. Then, jam 2.45 baru la aku nmpak dia lalu… tp dia kata, “kejap. Keje saya x siap lagi.” Dia ambik file dlm bilik, then g opis kat bwh plak. Aku kata ok, x pe. Aku akn tggu. Then.. u know what? Jam 3.30 aku dpt SMS, “sori, x pyh tggu. Saya mesyuarat. X tau nak habis pukul brapa.” Masa tu, aku mmg x leh tahan dah. Geram yang teramat sangat. Tapi aku sempat lagi balas msg dia. “ok, x pe. Esok pagi saya datang lagi. Ada topic yang x faham. tQ”. Pastu…. Aku dengan muka geram yang mmg x leh nk sorok… aku g bilik Cik Syarizan. Smpai ja sana, aku dah x leh tahan, nitis jgak airmata aku. Tp aku x nk org nmpk aku nangis. Aku tggl brg, then g nangis dlm toilet. Betul la kata DR. SYED, kemarahan wanita akan berakhir dengan tangisan. Aku pun mcm tu la. Aku nangis sbb aku geram smpai x leh nk tahan dah. Korang bayang la… macam org bodoh aku tggu kat ctu 4 jam! 4 hours FOR NOTHING!!! Aku x pnah la tggu org sesabar itu. 4 jam aku jadi org bodoh d hujung koridor. 4 jam aku bazirkan masa. 4 jam aku tggu tanpa apa2 hasil. Maybe org lain boleh kata tu pkara kecik. Tp bagi aku, NO! kot ye pun ada meeting, why don’t you tell me earlier? So that, I won’t waste my time waiting so long and I get nothing. Geram2! Dah nangis2 tu, ok dah la ckit. Lega ckit….

Pagi ni, aku pergi lagi fakulti. Dgn tujuan yang sama. Nk jmpa lecturer aku yang gagal ditemui smlm. Smlm dlm SMS, aku dah gtau, aku akn dtg pagi ni. So, jam 10.30 aku pun pergi la… herm… tgkap x buka, pntu kunci, opis gelap, sah x dtg opis lagi… aku pun tggu la lagi… kali ni, aku x rasa geram dah sbb aku dah gtau awal2 bahawa aku akn datang. Korang rasa… kali ni macam mana? Aku dpt jumpa ke x? hmm… aku tggu smpai pkul 1 ptg. X da jgak. Aku hantar msg x balas, telefon x jawab. Apa kena dgn dia, aku pun x tau. Aku pun balik la… smpai bilik, nangis lagi. Geram giler wei… korang x paham… tggu org ni seksaan tau. Geram sgt! Pastu makan, jam 2 aku g fakulti lagi. Tgk opis dia, still gelap. Maknanya dia x dtg keje arini. Aku geram giler. Kalo dah tau arini nk cuti, knp smlm x bgtau awal2? Supaya aku x jadi orang bodoh utk kali kedua. Apa salahnya cakap, saya cuti. Senang. X payah nak nk buat org tertggu2. Aku mmg gerrrrraaaammmmmm sangat!!!!!!!! Smlm 4 jam, arini 2 jam = 6 jam!

Kalo nk dikirakan sakit hati n geram aku, nak je aku anta msg kat dia n tanya knp buat mcm ni? X boleh ke puan gtau kalo cuti? Tapi… bila teringat balik msg2 dia dulu yang mmg layan aku dgn baik, aku x sggup nk buat mcm tu. Sbb dulu, dia sangat baik dgn aku. Apa yg aku buat x btul, dia akn tegur. Dia jaga pergaulan aku, nk aku kawan dengan org yang baik2. N aku ada apa2 yg gmbira, yg sedih, smua aku gtau dia jgak. Dia lecturer aku, kawan aku, kakak aku, n mama aku. Bergantung pada keadaan. Hmm… dia merupakan antara org2 yang aku sayang jgak selain family aku. Sbb tu aku x kan tnjukkn kemarahan aku kat dia… bayangkan… aku duk nangis2 geram tadi, bleh plak aku fkirkan keadaan dia. Mmg dlm hati aku marah sgt kat dia, tp aku salahkan diri aku jgak. Aku fkir, maybe dia x sihat. Sbb tu x dtg keje. Ya la, smlm penat. N kalo dia x sihat, mmg dia x leh bangun n x jwb call atau msg. aku risau jgak. Aku pun anta SMS kat dia. Aku x kata pun aku geram. Aku just antar simple. “x sihat ke? Kalo x sihat, bykkn rehat n makan ubat. Take care.” Hmm… mcm org gila pun ada aku ni, geram tapi mcm x geram. X pa la… sekarang ni aku still ada lagi la sakit hati. Tp aku nk buat x tau ja la. Mgkin dia btul2 bz, atau x sihat. Sbb tu x ckp apa pun… x pa, knp la aku nak marah kat org, sdgkan dia baik je dgn aku slama ni. Btul tak? Ada la tu emergency apa2 kan? Ye la tu…

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm LoSt

Have you ever think that you are useless or too complicated and no one could understand you? I used to think that way before. I feel that nobody cares for me. No one needs me in this world. And no one understands me. I was so upset and frustrated for the way I was. But now, I know that there are some people cares for me. It just that… I don’t realize them.

I thought that they are controlling my life. Control everything. I used to think that I want to go far away from them. As far as I can. And now, I’m far away. At first, I feel the freedom. I was really happy coz finally I get what I want. FREEDOM. There was someone keep on calling me several times during the first week. I was uncomfortable with that. And I asked him not to call me too often. How can I say those words to him? I never think about his feeling. I kept on saying that he is trying to control me even I’m not in front of him. The anger was taking over me.

Hmm… It has been 2 years, you know what? He didn’t call me anymore. I feel both happiness and sadness. I’m happy coz no one controls me anymore, yet I’m sad coz I feel like he might not care for me anymore. I feel like something is lacking. I used to get his call… but when it stops, I’m lost. People will never appreciate those people around them until they lost them. I will never let myself do something that will make me regret at the end of the day.

Now, when I feel the “lost”, I can see the other side of that. Actually every time he calls me, that means he worried about me. Thinking how is my life in this strange world since I’ve never leave home before. He never said “I care about you” nor “I miss you”, but I know he has his own way of showing his love and concern. Cares and love are subjective. It does not necessarily put in word but it can be shown in other way. Now, I realize that my dad has never control my life, but he is trying to do the best for his daughter. Guide me all the time, so that I won’t make mistakes that might ruin my life. Thanks dad…

Friday, November 7, 2008

ReLaX LePas eXaM

Phew... I've finished my Communication and Negotiation paper. I think... I did it very well... As I said yesterday, it's not difficult. kacang jak tuh. (haha, berlagak kunun). I think i can get an A. Maybe... hehe. hopefully la...

Lepas ja abes exam, aku laaaaari balik bilik, tukar baju. Nak tau aku g mana? haha. Aku g jmpa pakcik bakar2. rupanya makcik bakar pun ada skali... lama sudah x jmpa makcik bakar... naseb baik dia ingat lagi kat aku... kalo x... aku x nk p dah. ngeh ngeh...

herm... aku dah try nk perbaiki blog aku nih... macamne nak letak ruang shout out weyh?... adei... aku dah try punya try, x dpt jgak. geram ngak aih! lagi satu, nk tmbah jadual aktiviti. aku tanya punya tanya, teda pun yang tau. tak pa la hangpa....

Ni, dah abes exam dua paper. ada lg 4 paper menanti. tapi lambat lagi... 11nov. sementara tu, aku nk enjoy dulu. mlm ni aku nk relax jak. mo tgk citer thai. Chocolate Love. best jgak tuh... lakonan Piyada Akkaraseranee atau lebih dikenali sebagai
Oam Piyada di Thailand. Aku suka tgk minah ni berlakon sejak aku tengok citer The Princcess dulu. sedih wo... Masa tu aku tgk dgn Fini n Minda. Kami tgk dari senja smpai pagi esoknya. non-stop. jam 10pagi baru tido. Lepas tgk tu, tak sempat nak buat apa dah. Yang terguling atas lantai n atas sofa, tido tempat tu jgak. tak larat dah nak masuk bilik. Semua mata bengkak sebab nangis tengok Anothai n Nara Kumari. huahua. yang paling teruk, rumet aku la. mata macam kerang bila dia bangun. wakakakakaka...

k la, aku nk g dapatkan crita dari kak Z dah nih... update lain kali. daaaa....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

...mY BaD daYs...

Haliu world... dah 2 hari aku x update apa2. sorry...

Dua hari lepas, aku punya la seksa... berguling2 atas katil mengerang kesakitan. Hurm... last 2 days was very bad for me! I wake up early, about 9.30am. (It’s really early for me. Ahaks!) I’ve planned my schedule but suddenly… argh! I got period pain! I was suffering all the day. Hanya wanita jak yang tau betapa seksanya sakit tuh. I was damn suffer but couldn’t take any medicine coz I haven’t taken my meal until 5pm. Then, tu dia... my roommate bought me chicken rice n pain killer. Thanx a lot roommate! Yep, I’m very lucky to have such a caring roommate. Thanx again dear.

I was a bit frustrated because I can’t do anything when I was in that condition. It takes my mood
away. rosak program aku wooo... I can’t even take a look on my notes! I got headache. Huh! Lying on my bed for the whole day. Then… there goes my imagination again... imagine if i was this and that. haha. nothing else i can do.

Hari ni, aku dah ok sikit. smlm tdo jam 5 pagi n td pagi2 buta lagi aku dah bangun, tgk nota jap... p fakulti... was planning to see my lecturer. I've waited for her for about 1 hour! still.. she didn't appear. Then, suddenly, baru aku ingat... arini ada Konvokesyen Diraja. smua staff kena pergi DMS. Patutla teda org d fakulti. adui... pembaziran masa!!! Aku pun kembali la ke bilik dengan hampa n terpaksa la agak2 je apa yg aku x faham tu...

Petang... p tapau kat Muamalat... aku dah la mood tak brapa nk elok... lambat la pulak menunggu masakan panas tu. bad mood gara2 sa
kit gigi. haha. geraham bongsu baru mo tumbuh. smbil2 tggu, aku tgk gelagat manusia2 d situ. it's my hobby... perhatikan gelagat org n kutuk. wakakakka. hmm... Mood aku kmbali ok bila aku g kat pakcik bakar-bakar. haha. hanya aku n roomate ja tau sepa pakcik bakar2 tu. mate, keep our secret k. ;)

I'll be sitting for Communication and Negotiation examination tomorrow. 3pm at TM's Hall. it's a 3000 level paper, but not as hard as i thought. for me, every subject is only at my finger's tip as long as i could understand it well. I score A for this paper. hehe. wish me luck k. ok guys, i got to get back to my desk for revision... c u till i c u again. daaaa....

i'm studying hard... huhu
what is ethical and unethical tactics?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Relationship & Friendship


We seem aware that happiness depends on relationships more than on anything else, but we may not realize that such problems as depression, suicide, family violence or alcoholism can often also be traced back to relationship difficulties or relationship experiences, as indeed can truancy, poor performance at school and job failure.

Why do we need friend?

Simple. To keep us emotionally stable and to help us see where we have stand among other people and whether we are “doing ok” and for communication as well.

Friends provide a lot more than just a sense of belonging and reliable alliance. They also provide necessary anchor points for opinions, beliefs and emotional responses. They tell us how we should react appropriately and they correct or guide our attitudes and beliefs in both obvious and subtle ways.

A friend is an open, affectionate, trusting, helpful, reliable companion who respects our privacy, carries out interactions with all due respect to the norms of behavior and ourselves, does not criticize us in public, and both does us favors and returns those that we do. It is an unwritten contract between friends. Friendship is a voluntary bond between two people.

Friends do not spend most of their time exchanging goods for money: they are more likely to swap information for information, services for services, or love for love. Money has the same value whoever gives it to you, but love is valued as a result of the person who offers it.

Relationship and friendship do not just happen ; they have to be made – made to work, made to develop, kept in good working order and preserved from going sour. To do all this we need to be active, thoughtful and skilled.

Think about it. ;)

Welcome to my blog

Hello everyone, how are u doing? everything is okay? i hope so. thanx for spending your time to take a look on my blog. (walaupun x special kan..) nothing special here... just my expression on anything happen in my daily lives. (aku nyampes ke... sakit ati ka... otak jem ka.. everything). I will try to write down everything here if only i have time. haha (kalo bz, sorry la yer...) i'm taking an effort to learn about blog. hopefully i will improve in the future. gtg now, thanx again for visiting my blog. thanx.